Affecting Crowdstrike's customers around the world
Global Software Problem
Dear Customers
A global software problem has hit cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike, affecting its customers around the world, including banks, airlines, media outlets, telecommunications providers, technology companies and utilities.
As a Crowdstrike user, CONTECON MANZANILLO Windows systems were affected during the early hours of today July 19, thanks to the rapid intervention of our Systems and Operations teams, we have achieved the restoration of the systems and the reduction in the operational impact, however, we have presented some affectations, therefore we inform that if your containers scheduled for cargo services were not positioned today, they will be rescheduled for tomorrow, except for those that require the intervention of an authority, these will be rescheduled for Monday, so we ask you to come to seal your ballot with the Preliminary area, to consider your rescheduling.
We appreciate your understanding of such unforeseen events and thank you for your patience.