Adjustment in the opening hours of the collection area as of March 7th.

Opening hours Collections

Dear Customers

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that, as of March 7, 2022, we will be making an adjustment in our opening hours in the area of "Collections", so we will be working as follows:

  • Monday to Thursday: 08:00 to 13:30 hrs and 14:15 to 17:30 hrs.
  • Friday: from 08:00 to 15:00 hrs.

It is important to mention that, for proper attention, the following mailing address should be kept in copy:

Below are the new unlocking windows, which will apply only from Monday to Friday, at the following times:

  • Window 1: 09:00 hrs
  • Window 2: 11:00 hrs
  • Window 3: 13:00 hrs
  • Window 4: 16:00 hrs

The aforementioned in order to take the corresponding precautions regarding the coordination of their payments in a timely manner, in order to avoid inconveniences in their operations.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this letter and for sharing it with the relevant staff.