ASIPONA will be flexible in allowing for transport revenues.
Appointments in PIS (Outreach) (1)
Customs Brokers Association of the Port of Manzanillo
Latin American Confederation of Customs Agents A.C.
Mexican Association of Shipping Agents A.C.
Manzanillo Freight Transport Union A.C.
National Chamber of Freight Transportation
Importers and Exporters
Dear Customers
We hereby inform you that in accordance with communication OC00001-2022 Subject: Appointments in PIS, ASIPONA will continue to be flexible during the current week (17 to 22 January) allowing the entry of transports, even if their appointment is not displayed in PIS, with the above mentioned, the transport will be able to enter on the date and time of their appointment. They must only validate that the transport has its DEV (Electronic Vehicle Document).
Without further ado, we thank you in advance for your attention and support for the dissemination of this document to your members and/or collaborators.