Updating the Empty Container Receiving Process

Update of the Void Reception Process

Dear Customers

We hereby inform the following update in the process of receiving empty containers:

  • Containers that go to CIMA, the website shows a single schedule (00:00 hours). Does not generate folio PIS
  • Containers that go to CONTECON, the website shows different schedules for your choice. Generate PIS folio
  • Mass programming goes directly to CONTECON

It is not omitted to mention that all container reception requests must follow the current process and generate their maneuver within our ISCS portal, likewise, based on internal guidelines, some containers must be entered directly to CONTECON and others to CIMA. In this sense, we request your valuable support to carefully read the alerts that the website and its access passes provide, where it will be indicated if it is possible to make your request, as well as the place where the containers must be delivered.

We thank you in advance for your attention and support in disseminating this report to your collaborators.